
ToxicFree Foundation / Articles

Home Depot to remove toxic chemical from vinyl flooring

By now must of us know the potential danger our family is in if exposed to phthalates. Over the years, phthalates have been linked to hormone disruptions and even cancer. Our government has taken steps to ensure our safety by limiting “phthalates to less than 0.1% of the material used in toys and kids’ products.” Unfortunately “there are no federal laws or rules prohibiting the group of chemicals known as phthalates from vinyl flooring.” Recent tests by the Ecology Center found that “38 of 65 vinyl floor tiles had phthalates in them.” Thankfully Home Depot is being proactive and removing vinyl flooring from their stores that contains phthalates. A move like this is extremely important because, “when kids play on the floor, they are exposed to [phthalates] just as much as if it’s in the toys.” This is a great job by Home Depot in taking the lead on eliminating phthalates from the vinyl flooring they sell.

To learn more about the steps Home Depot is taking to eliminate vinyl flooring containing phthalates, click the link: