
ToxicFree Foundation / Articles

Could silkworms hold the key to toxin free flame retardants?

Evolved by Nature believes they’ve solved a decades old issue. How do you make clothing and furniture flame retardant without using chemicals? The answer apparently involves the silkworm.

Let’s back up a bit. Since the 1970s flame retardants have been a part of our lives. It was then that that the United States Congress passed a law requiring children’s pajamas be flame retardant. The chemicals used to repel fire in clothing, furniture, and even baby seats have changed over the years, but their dangers have remained the same. The toxins used in our favorite products are often “associated with adverse health effects in animals and humans, such as endocrine and thyroid disruption or impacts to the immune system.” Just a few months ago, in December of last year, “The Ecology Center found that 83% of children’s car seats tested contained toxic chemicals used as flame retardants.”

Fast forward to May of this year, and Evolved by Nature believes they have a solution that’s not only safe, but also effective. It’s called “Activated Silk”. Their Activated Silk can be applied in a number of different ways, such as moisture wicking and color retention. The ingredients include the cocoons of the aforementioned silkworm, plus water and salt. Activated Silk is already being used in two skincare brands, and they hope to utilize in “undisclosed fashion and personal care brands” later this year. It’s taken decades, but it’s good to see some natural alternatives are finally being utilized when it comes to protecting our loved ones.

To read the complete post by Fast Company, click here: