Ingredient Database

ToxicFree Foundation / Ingredient Database / Lavender Oil
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    Green Light

    Lavender Oil

    Lavandula Augustifolia

    Lavender Oil

    What is it?

    Lavender oil is extracted mostly from the flowers of the lavender plant, primarily through steam distillation. The flowers of lavender are fragrant in nature and have been used for making potpourri for centuries.

    Key Information

    • Sleep: Lavender essential oil induces sleep which has made it a common recommendation for an alternative treatment of insomnia.
    • Nervous system: Lavender essential oil has a calming scent which makes it an excellent tonic for the nerves and anxiety issues.
    • Acne: According to dermatologists and aromatherapists, lavender essential oil is one of the most beneficial oils in the treatment of acne, which can be a very uncomfortable and embarrassing condition.

    More Information

    Traditionally, lavender essential oil has also been used in making perfumes. The oil is very useful in aromatherapy and many aromatic preparations and combinations are made using lavender oil.

    This ingredient is commonly used in: