
ToxicFree Foundation / Articles

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Target’s new chemicals policy hits a bullseye

Nationwide superstore chain Target has outlined a new chemicals strategy that “promises to cleanse its shelves, and the brands along its value chain, of toxic chemicals.” Target’s announcement on January 25th made toxic chemicals public enemy number one. Their decision could have… Continue Reading

Are there toxins in your fast food packaging?

Is the sugar and fat in fast food the least concerning about what many Americans are eating on almost a daily basis? According to Silent Spring Institute and lead researcher Laurel Schaider, that just may be the case. The study tested more… Continue Reading

Study of cancer-causing toxins finds e-cigarettes much safer than smoking

With the ever increasing popularity of e-cigarettes, which are sold as a healthy alternative to traditional cigarettes, serious questions are being raised about just how “healthy” they really are. E-cigarettes sales now exceed more than $8 billion dollars a year. While that… Continue Reading

Car Seats Save Lives, but Can Expose Children to Potentially Harmful Toxins

You’ve watched all the videos, read all of the parenting books, and combed through your new car seat manual. You’ve done everything you’ve been told you need to do to ensure your little bundle of joy is safe when placing them in… Continue Reading

Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity

In February of 2014, doctors Philippe Grandjean, MD and Philip J Landrigan, MD, published a paper on the effects of certain industrial chemicals on the neurodevelopment of children’s brains. In this paper, the doctors outlined their concern over untested and new chemicals… Continue Reading

Supplement Makers Brace for Federal GMO Labeling

Sometimes a law is created to answer the tough questions, take a bold new stance, or even simply to close loopholes in existing laws. And sometimes a law is created that actually raises more questions than it answers. The federal GMO (genetically… Continue Reading

Household dust is laced with toxic chemicals, study finds

A first of its kind new study has found that not only is dust the sign of a home that’s missed a cleaning or two, it’s also potentially harmful to our health. The newest concerns with dust go far beyond sneezing. The… Continue Reading

FDA stops sale of some antibacterial hand and body wash products

While antibacterial products aren’t going away, the FDA is finally taking steps to ensure they’re safer than they’ve ever been. It was announced last week that the United States Food and Drug Administration will no longer allow 19 different ingredients, including Triclosan, to… Continue Reading

Man-made toxic chemicals are found 7 miles below the Pacific

As our knowledge of the chemicals we use in our products grows, so does our understanding of how it affects the environment and the wildlife that’s a part of it. For years now we’ve known that toxic chemicals in products can now… Continue Reading

More children being exposed to chemicals in laundry detergent, study finds

Avoiding toxic chemicals in household products is paramount for many families today. But sometimes the products themselves can pose a serious danger to your family; such is the case with laundry detergent pods. The popularity of these pods is only increasing, and… Continue Reading

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